Our Alteration Services
Want to look good in what you’re wearing? Our expert tailors and seamstresses can handle any alteration, from standard adjustments to complex transformations.
Coats and Jackets
Simple Sleeve Shortening Reduce sleeve length from the cuff for a perfect fit £75.00
Sleeve Shortening with Vent Shorten sleeves while preserving cuffs and vents £85.00
Sleeve with Features/Details Shortening Expertly shorten sleeves with intricate details or linings £95.00
Simple Inner Sleeve Tapering Slim down sleeves along the inner seam £35.00
Inner Sleeve Tapering Through Armhole or Cuff Taper inner sleeve seam through armhole or cuff £45.00
Full Inner Sleeve Tapering Comprehensive inner sleeve slimming through armhole and cuff £65.00
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Piped Sleeve Shortening Shorten sleeves with decorative piping, maintaining style £110.00
Sleeve Shortening and Zipper Trim Reduce sleeve and zipper length on garments £90.00
Sleeve Shortening and Zipper Relocation Shorten sleeves and reposition zippers for optimal fit £130.00
Sleeve Shortening with Buttonholes Shorten sleeves and reposition decorative keyhole details to cuffs £100.00
Buttonholes Addition on Cuffs Add stylish keyhole details to existing sleeve cuffs £35.00
Sleeve Shortening from Shoulders Reduce sleeve length from the shoulder for a tailored look £95.00
Sleeve with Pad Shortening from Shoulders Shorten sleeves from shoulder and adjust outer shoulder pads position accordingly £110.00
Sleeve Shortening with Waterproof Liner Shorten sleeves from shoulders while preserving waterproof lining £110.00
Sleeve Shortening by adding Seam Shorten sleeves by adding a simple, clean seam £80.00
Sleeve Shortening by adding Seam with Topstitching Shorten sleeves by adding a decorative topstitched seam £90.00
Narrow Shoulder Reduce shoulder width for a more tailored fit £75.00
Narrow Shoulder with Shoulder Pad Narrow shoulders and reposition outer shoulder pads £95.00
Simple Outer Sleeve Tapering Slim down sleeves along the back seam £35.00
Outer Sleeve Tapering Through Armhole or Cuff Taper sleeves through armhole or cuff for a sleeker look £45.00
Full Sleeve Tapering Comprehensive sleeve slimming through armhole and cuff £65.00
Simple Outer Sleeve Expansion Increase sleeve width along the back seam £35.00
Outer Sleeve Expansion Through Armhole or Cuff Expand sleeves through armhole or cuff for a looser fit £45.00
Full Outer Sleeve Expansion Comprehensive sleeve widening through armhole and cuff £65.00
Simple Inner Sleeve Expansion Increase sleeve width along the inner seam £35.00
Inner Sleeve Expansion Through Armhole or Cuff Widen inner sleeve seam through armhole or cuff £45.00
Full Inner Sleeve Expansion Comprehensive inner sleeve widening through armhole and cuff £65.00
Sleeve Lengthening Extend sleeve length for a better fit £85.00
Complex Sleeve Lengthening Expertly lengthen sleeves with intricate details or linings £110.00
Sleeve Pouch Addition Add functional pouches to sleeves for extra storage £45.00
Center Back Seam Expansion Let out the center back seam for a greater, looser fit by adding extra material £150.00
Chest Expansion with Gussets Add gussets to underarm seams and sleeves to maximize increased chest room £200.00
Side Seams Expansion Let out side seams for a more relaxed fit by adding extra material at the side seams £250.00
Center Back Seam Adjustment Take in the center back seam for a slimmer fit £45.00
Chest Adjustment Alter underarm seams to reduce chest room £75.00
Simple Side Seam Adjustment Take in side seams for a more tailored silhouette £85.00
Trousers and Jeans
Jeans Waistband Adjustment Adjust jeans waistband for a better fit £65.00
Jeans Waistband Lowering Lower the waistband of jeans for a modern look £75.00
Jeans Waist and Seat Adjustment (Center Back) Adjust waist and seat from center back for improved fit £75.00
Jeans Simple Hem Simple hemming for jeans to adjust length £25.00
Jeans Original Hem Preservation Preserve original hem while shortening jeans £35.00
Jeans Hem Lengthening with Extra Material Lengthen jeans hem using extra material inside for added maximal length £35.00
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Jeans Waist and Seat Adjustment (Sides) Adjust waist and seat from sides for a tailored silhouette £85.00
Jeans Waist Expansion (Standard) Expand jeans waist up to 1.25-1.5 inches for comfort £75.00
Jeans Waist Expansion (Extra Material) Expand jeans waist with additional material for maximum adjustment £75.00
Jeans Leg Tapering (Single Seam) Slim down jeans legs using a single seam alteration £35.00
Jeans Leg Tapering (Double Seam) Taper jeans legs using both inner and outer seams £55.00
Jeans Leg Tapering with Overlock (Single Topstitch) Taper jeans with overlock stitching and single topstitch £45.00
Jeans Leg Tapering with Overlock (Double Topstitch) Taper jeans with overlock stitching and double topstitch £55.00
Jeans Leg Tapering with Binding Taper jeans legs with binding and double topstitch for a polished look £55.00
Trousers Bottom Tapering from Knee Taper trouser legs from the knee down for a subtle adjustment £45.00
Trousers Waist and Seat Expansion Expand waist and seat of trousers for a looser fit £75.00
Trousers Waist and Seat Reduction Reduce waist and seat of trousers for a slimmer fit £75.00
Trousers Waist Adjustment (Center Back and Sides) Adjust trouser waist at center back and sides for perfect fit £85.00
Trousers Waistband Lowering Lower the waistband of trousers for a modern style £75.00
Trousers Leg Tapering (Single Seam) Slim down trouser legs using a single seam alteration £35.00
Trousers Leg Tapering (Double Seam) Taper trouser legs using both outer and inner seams £55.00
Trousers Simple Hem Shortening Simple hemming for trousers to adjust length £25.00
Trousers Cuffed Hem Shortening Shorten trousers with a neat turn-up hem £35.00
Trousers Hem Lengthening Lengthen trouser hem for added length £25.00
Trousers Hem Lengthening with Extra Material Lengthen trouser hem using extra material inside for added maximal length £35.00
Dress Strap Adjustment (Simple) Adjust dress straps for a fit improvement £35.00
Dress Strap Adjustment (Complex) Adjust dress straps with intricate details or embellishments £55.00
Dress Side Seam Adjustment Take in the sides of the dress for a slimmer silhouette £45.00
Dress Sleeve Shortening (Simple) Shorten dress sleeves with a simple alteration £35.00
Dress Sleeve Shortening (Complex) Shorten dress sleeves with complex details or linings £65.00
Dress Hem Shortening (Single Layer) Shorten dress hem on a single-layer dress £30.00
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Dress Side Seam and Zipper Adjustment Adjust side seams and reposition zipper for a tailored fit £65.00
Dress Center Back and Zipper Adjustment Take in center back seam and adjust zipper for a perfect fit £65.00
Dress Hem Shortening (Wide Single Layer) Shorten hem on a wide, single-layer dress for an even adjustment £45.00
Shirts and Blouses
Shirt/Blouse Side Seam Adjustment Slim down shirt or blouse through the side seams for a better fit £45.00
Shirt/Blouse Side Seam Adjustment with Gussets Adjust side seams and add gussets for a tailored silhouette £55.00
Shirt/Blouse Sleeve Shortening from Cuffs Shorten shirt or blouse sleeves from the cuffs for a precise fit £65.00
Shirt/Blouse Simple Hem Shortening Simple hem adjustment to shorten shirt or blouse length £35.00
Shirt/Blouse Hem Shortening with Gussets Shorten hem with gusset adjustments for a smooth silhouette £55.00
Shirt/Blouse Dart Adjustment Add or adjust darts for a more fitted appearance £25.00
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Shirt/Blouse Sleeve Shortening from Shoulders Shorten shirt or blouse sleeves from the shoulders for a proportional look £65.00
Shirt/Blouse Cuff Narrowing Narrow cuffs for a slimmer, more modern look £45.00
Jumpsuits and Playsuits
Jumpsuit/Playsuit Waist and Seat Expansion Expand waist and seat area for a looser, more comfortable fit £75.00
Jumpsuit/Playsuit Waist and Seat Reduction Reduce waist and seat area for a slimmer, more tailored silhouette £75.00
Jumpsuit/Playsuit Leg Tapering (Single Seam) Slim down legs using a single seam alteration for a sleeker look £45.00
Jumpsuit/Playsuit Bottom Tapering from Knee Adjust leg width from the knee down for a subtle tapering effect £45.00
Jumpsuit/Playsuit Simple Hem Shortening Simple hemming to shorten jumpsuit or playsuit length £25.00
Jumpsuit/Playsuit Cuffed Hem Shortening Shorten jumpsuit or playsuit with a neat turn-up hem finish £35.00
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Jumpsuit/Playsuit Leg Tapering (Double Seam) Taper legs using both inner and outer seams for a refined fit £55.00
Skirts and Kilts
Skirt Side Seam Adjustment Take in skirt sides for a slimmer silhouette £45.00
Skirt Side Seam and Zipper Adjustment Adjust side seams and reposition zipper for a tailored fit £65.00
Skirt Center Back and Zipper Adjustment Take in center back seam and adjust zipper for a perfect fit £65.00
Kilt Side Seam Adjustment Take in kilt sides for a slimmer silhouette £65.00
Kilt Side Seam and Zipper Adjustment Adjust side seams and reposition zipper for a tailored fit £85.00
Kilt Simple Hem Shortening Simple hem adjustment to shorten kilt length £85.00
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Skirt Simple Hem Shortening Simple hem adjustment to shorten skirt length £45.00
Skirt Hem Shortening with Vent Shorten skirt hem while preserving or adjusting the vent £65.00
Skirt Waist and Seat Reduction Reduce waist and seat area for a slimmer, more tailored silhouette £65.00
Skirt Waist and Seat Reduction From Sides Reduce waist and seat area from sides for a slimmer, more tailored silhouette £85.00
Skirt Waist and Seat Expansion Expand waist and seat area for a looser, more comfortable fit £75.00
Kilt Hem Shortening with Vent Shorten kilt hem while preserving or adjusting the vent £100.00
Kilt Waist and Seat Reduction Reduce waist and seat area for a slimmer, more tailored silhouette £75.00
Kilt Waist and Seat Reduction From Sides Reduce waist and seat area from sides for a slimmer, more tailored silhouette £95.00
Kilt Waist and Seat Expansion Expand waist and seat area for a looser, more comfortable fit £75.00
Knitwear Side Seam Adjustment Slim down the sides of your knitwear for a more tailored fit £55.00
Knitwear Sleeve Tapering Taper sleeves for a slimmer arm profile £35.00
Knitwear Hem Shortening with Seam Shorten hem with a new seam finish £75.00
Knitwear Sleeve Shortening with Seam Shorten sleeves with a new seam finish £55.00
Knitwear Sleeve Shortening (Original Finish) Shorten sleeves while preserving the original finish using re-weaving technique £75.00Knitwear Elbow Pad Addition Add protective elbow pads to your knitwear item £65.00
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Knitwear Hem Shortening (Original Finish) Shorten hem while preserving the original finish using re-weaving technique £95.00
Top Side Seam Adjustment Slim down the sides of your top for a more fitted look £25.00
Top Sleeve Tapering Taper sleeves for a slimmer arm profile £25.00
Top Hem Shortening Shorten hem to your desired length £25.00
Top Sleeve Shortening Shorten sleeves for a better fit £25.00
Shorts Waistband Lowering Lower the waistband of shorts £75.00
Shorts Waist and Seat Expansion Expand waist and seat area for a looser fit £65.00
Shorts Waist and Seat Reduction Reduce waist and seat area for a slimmer fit £75.00
Shorts Hem Shortening with Taper Shorten and taper the hem £35.00
Shorts Cuffed Hem Shortening with Taper Create a cuffed and tapered hem £55.00
Shorts Single Seam Leg Tapering Taper legs using one seam £35.00
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Shorts Side Waist Adjustment Adjust waist from the sides £85.00
Shorts Hem Shortening without Taper Shorten the hem without tapering £30.00
Shorts Cuffed Hem Shortening without Taper Create a cuffed hem without tapering £35.00
Shorts Double Seam Leg Tapering Taper legs using two seams £55.00
Shorts Hem Lengthening Lengthen the hem of shorts £25.00
Shorts Hem Lengthening with Extra Material Lengthen the hem with additional material inside £35.00
Suits – 2 piece, 3 piece or Tuxedo
Shorten Sleeves from Cuff Simple Reduce sleeve length from the cuff for a perfect fit. £75.00
Shorten Sleeves Cuffs Vent Simple Shorten sleeves while preserving cuffs and vents. £85.00
Shorten Sleeves Complex Expertly shorten sleeves with intricate details or linings. £95.00
Let Out Sleeves Back Seam Simple Increase sleeve width along the back seam. £35.00
Let Out Sleeves Back Seam Through Armhole or Cuff Expand sleeves through armhole or cuff for a looser fit. £45.00
Let Out Sleeves Back Seam Through Armhole + Cuff Comprehensive sleeve widening through armhole and cuff. £65.00
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Shorten Sleeves Complex + Piping Shorten sleeves with decorative piping, maintaining style. £110.00
Shorten Sleeves Cuffs + Set of Keyholes Shorten sleeves and reposition decorative keyhole details to cuffs. £100.00
One Set Cuffs Keyholes Add stylish keyhole details to existing sleeve cuffs. £35.00
Shorten Sleeves from Shoulders Plain Reduce sleeve length from the shoulder for a tailored look. £95.00
Shorten Sleeves from Shoulders + Outside Sleeve Pad Shorten sleeves from shoulder and adjust outer shoulder pads position accordingly. £110.00
Shorten Sleeves Add Seam Plain Shorten sleeves by adding a simple, clean seam. £80.00
Shorten Sleeves Add Seam Topstitch Shorten sleeves by adding a decorative topstitched seam. £90.00
Narrow Shoulders Reduce shoulder width for a more tailored fit. £75.00
Taper Sleeves Back Seam Simple Slim down sleeves along the back seam. £35.00
Taper Sleeves Back Seam Through Armhole or Cuff Taper sleeves through armhole or cuff for a sleeker look. £45.00
Taper Sleeves Back Seam Through Armhole + Cuff Comprehensive sleeve slimming through armhole and cuff. £65.00
Taper Sleeves Inside Seam Simple Slim down sleeves along the inner seam. £35.00
Let Out Center Back Seam Expand center back seam. £45.00
Let Out Chest (Underarm Seams) Adjust underarm seams to increase chest room. £75.00
Let Out Side Seams Simple Expand side seams without affecting armhole or vent. £85.00
Let Out Side Seams Through Armhole or Vent Expand side seams through armhole or vent. £95.00
Let Out Side Seams Through Armhole + Vent Expand side seams through armhole and vent. £110.00
Let Out Darts Modify darts for a looser fit. £35.00
Shorten Hem Raise the hemline. £95.00
Lengthen Hem Lower the hemline. £110.00
Narrow Shoulder Reduce shoulder width. £75.00
Pick Up Shoulder Reduce shoulder height. £75.00
Narrow Nape (Collar) Adjust the nape area of the collar. £95.00
Square Back Neck Simple Adjust back neck for a smoother finish. £55.00
Add Darts Add darts for improved fit. £35.00
Square Back Neck Through Shoulders Adjust back neck through shoulders for a smoother finish. £95.00
Add Back Pouch Add a back pouch to the suit jacket. £60.00
Add Shoulder Pouch (Each) Add a shoulder pouch to the suit jacket. £45.00
Add Pockets Add custom pockets to the suit jacket. £65.00